Monday Motivation: The Reward at the End of the Long Run

2009 June 15
by Kate O'Neill

Finishing the Scenic 10
Creative Commons License photo credit: Kate O’

During my run this morning, the air was so muggy I felt like I was pushing my way through a hot, damp sponge. It was that sweating-the-moment-you-step-outside kind of heat. I was oh-so-very tempted to chuck it and go back to the cool comfort of my home.

But I finished my run, and when I did step back into the house, the coolness was a reward so wonderful I almost cried.

You know that feeling, I bet. That precious feeling that the work you are doing is not a waste; that all the times you stuck with a difficult task, you made the right decision; that it was all worth it.

When was the last time you felt that way at work? What was the project or problem you were pushing your way through? What was your reward? A promotion? A pat on the back? Or even just the quiet knowledge that you did the right thing?

If you knew for sure you’d enjoy the outcome, what great and difficult tasks could you take on this week?

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One Response leave one →
  1. 2009 June 15

    “You know that feeling, I bet. That precious feeling that the work you are doing is not a waste; that all the times you stuck with a difficult task, you made the right decision; that it was all worth it.”

    Well, yeah, I remember that feeling. Been a while, though… I feel like Bush in that ridiculous video he did back in 03 or 04, you know, the one where he’s looking under the cushions for the WMD? I’m looking for that feeling, it must be under one of these cushions somewhere…

    Liked your interview with Mr. Zappos. Good attitudes there.

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